A family fight starts when grandma refuses to babysit.

It can be hard to run a home with a young child, especially if both parents work full-time. Lenny begged her mother-in-law for help because she was desperate to find an answer, but she didn’t get what she was hoping for.

Lenny’s mother-in-law had a lot of free time, but she wouldn’t watch her 2-year-old grandson because she said it wasn’t her job. This answer made Lenny feel terrible and overwhelmed. Even worse, Lenny’s husband didn’t say anything, so she had to deal with the problem by herself.

Lenny felt hurt and angry, so she made the hard choice to keep her mother-in-law from seeing her baby. After that, she hired a babysitter to watch her kid while she and her husband went to work.

Then things got really scary when the nanny called Lenny in a hurry to tell him that her mother-in-law had broken into the house and taken the baby. With a lot of fear, Lenny ran home to find her baby’s cot empty.

She finally got her son back from her mother-in-law’s house, but Lenny was rude when she got there. Lenny’s mother-in-law said that she didn’t have the right to keep her grandson away from her.

Now Lenny isn’t sure if her decision to not let her mother-in-law see her baby was the right one. The situation is making her feel helpless, so she’s asking for tips on how to handle this tough family fight.

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